Saturday, August 31, 2019

Macbeth man or a monster? Essay

Macduff calls Macbeth a ‘fiend of Scotland’ and a ‘hell-kite’. Do you think Shakespeare has presented Macbeth as a man or a monster? At the time that Macbeth was written people strongly believed in witches and witchcraft. In fact the king at the time was so interested in witches it is said he snuck into witch trails, in disguise, to find out what was happening. People who lived at this time also believed strongly in Christianity, so they spent their whole lives trying to reach Heaven as they had a terrible fear of Hell. When Macduff calls Macbeth a fiend (A Devil: one actuated by the most intense wickedness or hate) of Scotland, he is basically calling him the devil of Scotland and thus condemning him to hell as he is so evil. When Macduff calls Macbeth a Hell-kite, he is calling him a cold-blooded killer with no heart or heavenly soul, as he is a pure evil killer. These two insults are some of the worst that Macbeth could have been called at the time, implying he is evil, possessed and Heartless. At the start of the play it is set just after a battle between the rebels and the king. At this part of the play the soldiers are talking about one thing. Macbeth. ‘For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name – Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel,†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Captain Act1, Scene 2, lines 16-17) This quote shows that Macbeth is regarded very highly amongst the soldiers at this part in the play. Macbeth also gain favour with the king at this point. ‘What he hath lost noble Macbeth hath won.’ (Duncan Act 1, Scene 2, line 68) At this point in the play Macbeth is an innocent, hardworking, devoted soldier. I believe Macbeth is a man and not a monster at this point of the play. In Act 1, Scene 3 Macbeth meets the witches upon a heath; Macbeth and Banquo are on their way to somewhere when they see the witches. They stop and the witches give Macbeth three prophecies; ‘All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis’ (1st Witch Act 1, Scene 3, line 48) ‘All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor’ (2nd Witch Act 1, Scene 3, line 49) ‘All hail Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter’ (3rd Witch Act 1, Scene 3, line 50) When Macbeth hears the prophecies for the first time he dismisses them, saying some of them will never happen. ‘Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more. By Siniels death I know I am Thane of Glamis, But how of Cawdor? The Than of Cawdor lives A prosperous gentleman; and to be King Stands not within the prospects of belief, No more than to be Cawdor.’ (Macbeth Act 1, Scene 3, lines 70 -75) This quote shows that he outwardly dismisses the prophecies at first apart from to become the Thane of Glamis, but I believe that this sparks an idea that he could be much bigger, much more powerful. He tells us he thinks this later on in his letter to Lady Macbeth. When Lady Macbeth reads his letter in Act 1 Scene 5 ideas about her becoming more powerful start to spring into her mind, so much so that she tries ask the spirits to become pure evil ‘†¦ ,unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty; make thick my blood, Stop up th’access and passage to remorse, †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Lady Macbeth Act 1, Scene 5, lines 41-44) The difference is Macbeth tries to dismiss them and thinks nothing of it whereas his wife starts to make plans as she has decided that she wants to be queen. So when Macbeth arrives back at his castle Lady Macbeth tries to make him kill his beloved king Duncan. At the start he doesn’t want to know and says he has never intended to kill Duncan but Lady Macbeth uses all sorts of tactics to try and persuade Macbeth to change his mind and Murder Duncan. However Macbeth doesn’t want anything to do with it as he believes Lady Macbeth has understood him. All though He says he doesn’t want to kill Duncan he has obviously thought about becoming king because in Act 1 Scene 4 he says; ‘The Prince of Cumberland – that is a step, On which I must fall down, †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Macbeth Act 1, Scene 4, lines 48-49) Macbeth makes this remark just after Duncan’s son Malcolm is named Prince of Cumberland and next in line to the throne (ahead of Macbeth). In Act 1, Scene 7 I think that Macbeth still doesn’t want to actually kill the king himself, but more that he is being forced into it by his wife through blackmail. I think this because it seems that he is trying to talk himself into doing it. ‘†¦ , that we but teach Bloody instructions, which being taught return To plague th’ inventor.’ (Macbeth Act 1, Scene 7, lines 8-10) In this quote Macbeth is basically telling himself I have been taught to kill – I am a killer, which I think is just hyping himself up as he doesn’t have a better reason to kill Duncan, Because of this I believe Macbeth is a Man and not a Monster at this point. I think the dagger soliloquy In Act 2, Scene 1 could be telling us that Macbeth is getting nervous or he could be ill (physically or mentally) about killing Duncan which could be causing him to hallucinate, ‘A dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat-opressed brain?’ (Macbeth Act 2, Scene 1, lines 38-39) But I think the most likely cause is that Shakespeare has put this in to show that Macbeths’ thoughts are wandering and not concentrated as he is still deciding (in his conscience) what to do, the dagger helps in this way as it actually points the way in which to go; ‘Thou marshall’st me the way that I was going, †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Macbeth Act 2, Scene1, line 42) The dagger also guides him by showing he must kill Duncan; ‘And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ After Macbeth has committed the murder he starts to get paranoid claiming that he has heard all kinds of voices, shouts and cries from other chambers. ‘There’s one did laugh in’s sleep, and one cried â€Å"Murder!†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ (Macbeth Act 2, Scene 2, lines 19-20) After this they realises that Macbeth hasn’t placed the daggers back on the guards but has kept them in his hands, so Lady Macbeth takes them off him and does what he failed to as he tries to wash his hands but as he is doing this we learn that he feels he can never wash the blood of Duncan off of his hands. ‘Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this myhand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red.’ (Macbeth Act 2, Scene 2, lines 57-60) I think in most of Act 2, Scenes 1 and 2 that Macbeth is a monster. But in this brief moment at the end I believe he has become a man again. In the scenes that follow the murder of Duncan Macbeth suspects Banquo of suspecting that Macbeth killed the king. However unfaithful to his old friend this may sound Macbeth is right as Banquo does suspect Macbeth. ‘Thou hast it now, King, Cawdor, Glamis, all, As the weird women promised, and I fear Thou play’dst most foully for’t; †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Banquo Act 3, Scene 1, lines 1-3) And so because of what Macbeth thinks he plans to have Banquo killed. Since the murder of Duncan the relationship between Macbeth and his wife has changed dramatically; she is no longer the influential, controlling figure she was but now Macbeth has taken charge, and I think this was a big mistake as all the problems in the plans so far have come about because of Macbeth, either in what he did (or didn’t) do or because of how he reacted, or what he said etc. Macbeths new plan includes a visit to the witches so they can tell him what’s going to happen in the future. When he arrives however their prophecies don’t seem to be as clear-cut as the first ones although Macbeth interprets them word for word as that is what happened with the first prophecies. ‘Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth, beware Macduff; Beware the Thane of Fife.’ (1st Apparition Act 4, Scene 1, lines 71-72) ‘Be bloody, bold and resolute; laugh to scorn The power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth.’ (2nd Apparition Act 4, Scene 1, lines 79-81) ‘Be lion-mettled, proud and take no care Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are. Macbeth shall never vanquished be, until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill Shall come against him'(3rd Apparition Act 4, Scene 1, lines 90-95) Macbeth takes this first Apparition very seriously and so he decides to go and kill Macduff, even though he thinks he is invincible and can’t be killed, as he believes it impossible for someone to not be born of woman. But when his men reach Macduff’s castle at Fife, Macduff isn’t their but they kill everyone inside it anyway, including his wife and children. The 2nd Apparition Macbeth also takes very seriously, word for word thinking he is invincible as everyone is woman born so he can never be killed. Macbeth also takes the 3rd Apparition word for word and as he believes the wood outside his castle (Great Birnam Wood) can never move he thinks he can never be defeated. I think at this stage in the play Macbeth is becoming more and more of monster as he has now resorted to killing innocent women and children. In the final scenes of the play Macbeth puts all of his trust and faith into the witches prophecies so they might save him from the imposing English army; ‘Bring me no more reports, let them fly all. Till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane, †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Macbeth Act 5, Scene 3, lines 1-2) ‘I cannot taint with fear. What’s the boy Malcolm? Was he not born of woman? The spirits that know All mortal consequences have pronounced me thus: â€Å"Fear not Macbeth, no man that’s born of woman shall e’er have power upon thee.†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ (Macbeth Act 5, Scene 3, lines 3-7) However when one of the witches prophecies – that Great Birnam wood Macbeth is shocked and lashes out at the messenger who tells him by brandishing him a; ‘Liar and a slave!’ (Macbeth Act 5, Scene 5, line 37) And; ‘If thou speak’st false, Upon the next tree shalt thou hang alive†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Macbeth Act 5, Scene 5, lines 38-39) During the last few scene in the play Macbeth has moments of his real, original character of a loyal, brave soldier come out. ‘I’ll fight, till from my bones my flesh be hacked, Give me my armour.’ (Macbeth Act 5, Scene 3, lines 32-33) This is an extremely brave side of Macbeth coming out. In the final fight with Macduff the Macbeth we see is a defiant and desperate one clinging onto his one last hope – the last prophecy; ‘Let fall thy blade on vulnerable crests; I bear a charmed life, which must not yield To one of woman born.’ (Macbeth Act 5, Scene 8, lines 11-13) Macduff then answers to this with; ‘Despair thy charm And let the angel whom thou still hast served Tell thee, Macduff was from his mother’s womb Untimely ripped.’ (Macduff Act 5, Scene 8, lines 14-17) What Macduff is saying here is that he was born by a caesarean section and not naturally born. Macduff and Macbeth carry on fighting until Macbeth is slain. In conclusion I believe that Macbeth was a noble soldier who was almost considered a hero amongst his fellow men who was pushed by his evil, controlling, influential wife to commit a murder he did not want to commit however after this turning point Macbeth became a bloodthirsty, evil monster completely by his own doing, until at the end were we start to see him in his original state again. Others may consider him a complete and utter monster, whereas some will defend his actions saying it was the right thing, or he was forced to do it, but I suppose one way to sum it all up would be to say; ‘One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter’ or more simply; It’s a matter of perspective.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Bullying and the effects on the individuals Essay

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explain what is bullying and the consequences of bullying. Bullying is where the bullier intentially causes physical harm or emotional stress to the victim. Bullies are angry and aggressive and dominate their victims and choose their targets by weakness and vulnerability and the victim is non dominant and usually does not fight back. There are severe warning signs that this is not a normal behavior and usually starts as a child and can still be a behavior done in adulthood. There are four different types of bullying and several descriptive behaviors. Bullying can lead to severe self-esteem issues. Aggressive behavior, dominant individual who abuses power by threating less dominant individual. Behavior is repeated or has potential to become repetitive over time. Bullying includes making threats spreading rumors, attacking someone or seclusion. This can be in person or anonymously by being a cyber-bully. This is important because bullying or being bullied appear to indicate that something is wrong and children who experience bullying either as aggressor or a victim need help. Bullying start as a child and without help it can grow into a big issue to deal with as an adult. Types There are three most common types of bullying and numerous tactics used when targeting their victims. Bullies intend to harm their victims with power imbalance. Power imbalance is crucial for the bully because their victim  cannot defend themselves. Power difference can be age, size, or strength. The victim as a result can feel weak, small, vulnerable, scared and dumb. There is typically more than one time that the bully will attack there same victim. Weather it is the same act or different behaviors on the victim. The third aspect on bully behaviors is the intentions to cause harm another person. The bully harasses people on purpose. Their behavior is not a â€Å"joke† or accident. The victim feels embarrassed, ashamed, angry, or scared. There are different forms of bullying; physical, verbal, cyber and relational aggression. Physical involves hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, stealing or breaking property. Verbal abuse hurts the victim emotionally with words. Name calling, threating, yelling, intimidation and laughing. Relational uses other people to hurt their victims. This is more hurtful to some people because their friends are talking behind their back. The bully spreads rumors and gossip around. The last form is cyberbullying which is done with improved technology. This can be over the internet, email, text or social media. The bully can interact relational and verbal forms. Name calling, insults and lies or threats can lead to physical harm to the victim. This can happen 24/7 and anonymously. So it is harder to find out who is the bully. There are many influences that the bully has and that is the reason why the bully has certain behaviors. Gender, orientation, environment, family problems, race or developmental problems. The bully usually has anger issues and experiences some type of abuse. The person takes out their feelings on someone who can or will not fight back. The bully may be physically and verbally abused by parents or older siblings. So when they are around someone who is not a threat they tend to do the same abuse to the victim to feel superior and worthy. The parents may have substance abuse, emotional issues, low self-esteem, single parent household and many other reasons. The family is not connected and bad communication. Lack of rules may also play a role. The victims have low self-esteem because they feel powerless. They listen and believe what is said to them and about them. They may feel helpless,  hopeless hurt non worthy and have negative outcomes, anxiety and depression. These can lead to substance abuse, drinking and lack of motivation, eating disorders and increase risk of suicide. These are main of bullying. Conclusion In conclusion bullying is a nationwide problem and it has major problems that affect another human being. This usually starts as a child and never ends without proper treatment. There is a behavior problem that is not normal to intentially cause harm to another person. there are many factors that influence the bully behavior. The victim as a result has low self-esteem. Depression and anxiety. The dominant and less dominant parties need and is recommended to get counseling to reduce long term constiquences. The improved bullying is done with updated technology and can remain unknown. References Kimble, D. and Colman, M (1995): Biological aspects of behavior, Longman Publishers, available at Kuykendrat, S. (2012) Ph D.Bullying Santa Barbra: ABC-clio. Zastrow, C. H.& Kirst-ashmand K.K. (2010) Understanding human behavior and the social environment. (8th ed ) Belmonth, CA brooks/cole

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Automobile Industry, India Automobile Industry Essay Example for Free

Automobile Industry, India Automobile Industry Essay Automobile industry (27) , Suzuki (5) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Following India’s growing openness, the arrival of new and existing models, easy availability of finance at relatively low rate of interest and price discounts offered by the dealers and manufacturers all have stirred the demand for vehicles and a strong growth of the Indian automobile industry. The data obtained from ministry of commerce and industry, shows high growth obtained since 2001- 02 in automobile production continuing in the first three quarters of the 2004-05. Annual growth was 16. 0 per cent in April-December, 2004; the growth rate in 2003-04 was 15. 1 per cent The automobile industry grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22 per cent between 1992 and 1997. With investment exceeding Rs. 50,000 crore, the turnover of the automobile industry exceeded Rs. 59,518 crore in 2002-03. Including turnover of the auto-component sector, the automotive industry’s turnover, which was above Rs. 84,000 crore in 2002-03, is estimated to have exceeded Rs. 1,00,000 crore ( USD 22. 74 billion) in 2003-04. Automobile Dealers Network in India In terms of Car dealer networks and authorized service stations, Maruti leads the pack with Dealer networks and workshops across the country. The other leading automobile manufactures are also trying to cope up and are opening their service stations and dealer workshops in all the metros and major cities of the country. Dealers offer varying kind of discount of finances who in tern pass it on to the customers in the form of reduced interest rates. Major Manufacturers in Automobile Industry Maruti Udyog Ltd. General Motors India Ford India Ltd. Eicher Motors Bajaj Auto Daewoo Motors India Hero Motors Hindustan Motors Hyundai Motor India Ltd. Royal Enfield Motors Telco TVS Motors DC Designs Swaraj Mazda Ltd Government has liberalized the norms for foreign investment and import of technology and that appears to have benefited the automobile sector. The production of total vehicles increased from 4. 2 million in 1998- 99 to 7. 3 million in 2003-04. It is likely that the production of such vehicles will exceed 10 million in the next couple of years. The industry has adopted the global standards and this was manifested in the increasing exports of the sector. After a temporary slump during 1998- 99 and 1999-00, such exports registered robust growth rates of well over 50 per cent in 2002-03 and 2003-04 each to exceed two and- a-half times the export figure for 2001-02. Automobile Export Numbers Category1998-991998-99Passenger Car25468121478Multi Utility Vehicles26543892Commercial Vehicles1010819931Two Wheelers100002256765Three Wheelers2113851535Percentage Growth-16. 632. 8 THE KEY FACTORS BEHIND THIS UPSWING Sales incentives, introduction of new models as well as variants coupled with easy availability of low cost finance with comfortable repayment options continued to drive demand and sales of automobiles during the first two quarters of the current year. The risk of an increase in the interest rates, the impact of delayed monsoons on rural demand, and increase in the costs of inputs such as steel are the key concerns for the players in the industry. As the players continue to introduce new models and variants, the competition may intensify further. The ability of the players to contain costs and focus on exports will be critical for the performance of their respective companies. The auto component sector has also posted significant growth of 20 per cent in 2003-04, to achieve a sales turnover of Rs. 30,640 crore (US$ 6. 7 billion). Further, there is a potential for higher growth due to outsourcing activities by global automobiles giants. Today, this sector has emerged as another sunrise sector. EVEN GROWTH Opposing the belief that the growth in automobile industry has catered only to the top income-stratum of society, Growth of exports of 32. 8 % in the first three quarters of 2004-05, the fastest growth in volumes has come from commercial vehicles as against passenger cars. Between 1998-99 and 2003-04, output of commercial vehicles has grown 2. 8 times compared to the 2. 2 times increase in passenger cars. Furthermore, two-wheeler output continues to dominate the volume statistics of the sector. In 2003-04, for every passenger car turned out by the sector, there were 7 two-wheelers produced. In the two wheeler segment, there is a greater preference for motorcycles followed by scooters, with both production and domestic sales of motorcycles increasing at faster rates than for scooters in the current and previous years. However, mopeds have registered low or negative growth. Export growth rates have been high both for motorcycles and scooters. Automobile Industry, India Automobile Industry. (2017, Feb 06). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Personal Statement - Essay Example This happened because of a mistaken identity whereby I had been implicated of an offence on the basis of my brother in law resembling my husband. I desired to be in a capacity to defend my rights and those of others. I associated this experience with the difficulties that I had experienced in my childhood and all the people that might have experienced a lot of suffering because they lacked skills in criminal justice and could access effective representation to defend their rights. I have maintained my ambitions to accomplish my professional goals in criminal justice, with a strong desire to become an attorney. I have a strong conviction that needy people will get help from me and that I will be capable of helping the innocent to proof their innocence. I learned English with a bit of difficulty, but with my ambitious nature I succeeded and by my twelfth grade I could read and write in English. To augment my success, I gave in to my mentor’s advice to join a community college where I studied administration and psychology courses. I graduated in 1995 but I was determined to study further in spite of the family responsibilities that had emerged after my marriage. I enrolled for a bachelor of course name degree in Mexico and completed successfully. However, my desire to become an attorney compelled me to keep focused on emerging opportunities and to revitalize my professional ambitions that had withered due to circumstances. I have strong leadership skills as well as a high level of emotional intelligence that helps me to understand the feelings and beliefs of other people which, I believe will be significant for my legal studies. I am patient and always give people ample time to express their views. I have the capability to lead others to find practical solutions to issues affecting them, especially the natural challenges that are beyond human control. However, as Reichert (2006) observes, strengths go together with weaknesses. I believe that my performance

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example Teams on the other hand are defined through the efforts that result in performance that is better and greater than the sum of individual inputs. In effect an understanding of the group gives insight to an understanding of the individual. Teams have become more popular over the years for certain reasons. They often outperform individuals through natured competition and spirited inter group motivation. They also allow the individual to use their talents in a more efficient way. They have also been continuously associated with the ability to adjust and respond to changing environments. Team or group dynamics create a more democratised environment that increases the level of motivation among the employees. Work teams have certain benefits to the individual that accrue to the collaboration of the employees. They also have their share of disadvantages and over the individualised approach to work. To begin with, teams have a more creative approach to problem solving and are more thorough in the performance of their obligations and duties. This increases the quality of the work done. The various employees learn from the different perspectives and backgrounds on how to evaluate all pros and cons of the problem. Teams present and inter team competition which motivates the individual to perform better and emerge better. The interaction with the team also allows the individual to develop other skill sets besides the employment performance skills such as leadership, communication and association. It builds the individuals social and relational aspect through the team based interactions. On the other hand participation of an individual in a team has its challenges and disadvantages. The under-participation or over-participation of an individual in the team leads to uneven use of the individual’s potential which limits the performance of the individual. In case of team conflict the work environment created for the individual becomes more unfriendly and difficult (Scott , 2007). Team participation makes it quite difficult to motivate and acknowledge individual effort. Teams also limit individual’s creativity to the team level and it creates more bureaucracy in the work place. Further, not all individuals are comfortable working in teams and they actually work better when working individually. 2. ‘There’s no such thing as ‘stress.’’s all in an individual’s head and just an excuse to take time off work’ discuss There is no specific definition or explanation for job stress. It is a common phenomenon among most organisations and it occurs due to various reasons. It can however be expressed by the consideration of the internal and external circumstances and symptoms that are common with people undergoing stress. The most widely adopted explanation and definition of stress is one that expresses the circumstances that create the potential for stress. It can be presented as the result of a situatio n that creates demands that threaten to breach the individual’s capacity and abilities as well as the limits of the resources that are available. This therefore goes to the indifference between the rewards and costs of the obligations over the resources

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Accounting Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Accounting Cycle - Essay Example 5) Preparation of an adjusted trial balance. 6) Using the information given in the adjusted trial balance, preparation of the financial statements. 7) Entering closing entries into the general journal and then to the general ledger. 8) Preparation of the post closing trial balance. The transaction must be identified from an authentic or original source. These sources can include deposit slips, invoices, purchase orders etc. This steps provides important information about the date on which the transaction took place, the amount of transaction, description and, if it is possible, the name and contact information of the party with which the dealings took place. In this step, the accounts that are being affected because of the transaction are determined. The effect includes either an increase or a decrease. The amount by which they are being affected must also be determined. The transaction must be then entered into the journal. This must be done on both, the credit and the debit sides of the journal. There are some important facts that must be considered. A general journal is always maintained in the chronological order. Journal may refer to the general journal, the sales journal, cash receipts journal and so on. Entries are posted in the trial balance. A trial balance presents a list of all accounts (transactions) and their balances. The purpose of this step is to verify whether or not the sum of the credit and debit sides is equal. If they are unequal, the trial balance must be adjusted. The trial balance that has unequal sides can mean that there is a problem. This step involves preparation and posting of deferred and accrued transactions to the T- ledger accounts journals. Adjusting entries are usually made on the last day of the given accounting period. The reason for this is to ensure that the financial statements reflect the revenue earned during the given period

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Patient Guide to WWW Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Patient Guide to WWW - Coursework Example 1. Content update  Researchers regularly share their knowledge derived from clinical trials with the community of medical experts. Hence,  patient or caretaker should consider only those  websites  where content and information is reviewed and updated on a regular basis. (Fogg, 2004). 2. Examine the source  The website’s content shouldn’t contain anecdotes and testimonials of the patients as primary health information (Szwarc, 2008) Caretaker or the patient must understand the significance of last three letters â€Å"URL† in the website. For example, websites ending with .edu or .gov are ‘educational’ and ‘government’ sites respectively with more reliable health information as compared to the one with .com (commercial) that may sometimes try to advertise and sell products assuring miraculous cure of which doctors are also unaware. 3. Verify  the information  Usually if some data is true and accurate, it will be published in more than one website. The internet user must check to see whether the facts provided by one source are published by any other website for the same diseases. The content of the website must also contain author’s basic contact information such as the name. Credible website.  For example the site  is a government site containing matter from US Department of Health and Services. The hypertension related information such as causes, nutrition etc. conveyed by this site are accurate and trustworthy in following aspects. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The  Ã‚  amount of salt intake has direct effect on patient’s blood pressure (Gardener, 2011). The website mentioned instructs patient not to  Ã‚  have  Ã‚  more than 5-6 grams of salt per day.Same fact is also provided by the website, which is an education site  (Anderson, Young, Long and Prior, 2011) . Suspect website.   The website  Ã‚  or the link  may be

Money laundering and the use of abusive tax havens may be Essay

Money laundering and the use of abusive tax havens may be - Essay Example (Scott-Jyont, 2002). Examples of money laundering may be seen in the activities of individuals like Sani Abacha and Raul Salinas. Sani Abacha was the late dictator of Nigeria, who was able to divert $1.6 billion of the Nigerian tax payers’ money that was looted from them into large banks in the U.K. and Switzerland, where the large volumes of money that exchange hands almost on a daily basis, make it difficult if not downright impossible, to discover the exact sources of such funds that are placed into the banks by account holders (Scott-Jyont, 2002). Similarly, in the case of Raul Salinas, being the brother of the ex-President of Mexico allowed him the opportunity to loot large amounts of cash, which he then transferred into different countries and banks in order to appropriate the money for himself by obscuring the source, i.e, the Mexican taxpayers’ money. Simser (2006) has carried out a study, the purpose of which was to look into money laundering in general and then specifically examine the issue of money laundering in the context of the Philippines. The author points out that where money laundering is concerned, the Philippines was not formerly a compliant jurisdiction, and initial measures that were taken against money laundering in the Philippines were rejected by the international community. The measures that were finally approved as measures to effectively counter money laundering were (a) setting up a financial intelligence unit (b) strict regulation of financial intermediaries and (c) the provision of criminal and remedial measures, including the use of forfeiture based upon a civil, non conviction mode (Simser, 2006). The author concludes that these provisions have been approved but implementing them is likely to be a challenging prospect in the predominantly corruption ridden atmosphere that characterizes the Philippines. One of the major reasons why individuals or companies seek to hide

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Government Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Government Structure - Essay Example tract function model of government is connected deeply with the idea of the modern democracy where the government is formed with the will of the people. It is different from a constitutional monarchy such as the one present in the UK since the monarch remains the head of the government as well as the country while in a pure contract function model of government an elected representative becomes the head of state and leads the country (Hawkesworth and Kogan, 1992). The contract function model is based on the ideas of a social contract which has been credited to the ideas presented by Hobbes. His philosophy of government suggested that governments are formed by the banding of people and they earn their right to govern with the will and acceptance of the people. Thus there is an established (if often unwritten) contract between the people and their government regarding the social order which is maintained from both sides (Hawkesworth and Kogan, 1992). Violations of the contract from the side of the government give the people the right to revolt against the government while violations of the contract from the side of the people give the government the right to imprison them or ever deprive them of their lives in certain cases such as treason. While governments affect the people they govern in many different ways, the people who form a government also affect it in terms of their culture with regard to the political culture and the social culture. For example, even though countries such as China are democracies in a technical sense, the culture of the country remains a communist one for the most part. Of course the Chinese system of government has been affected by cultural changes that have come as a part of the economic development that China has seen in recent years but the government systems and bureaucracies remain connected with communism as a cultural artifact (Wortman, 1987). In this way, the political culture and the social culture affect how governments are

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Legal Framework for Criminal Investigations and the Relationship Essay

The Legal Framework for Criminal Investigations and the Relationship with the Criminal Justice System - Essay Example This speaks itself about the importance of tough criminal investigation procedures. In order to collect reliable and secure evidence, the investigators must put in concrete efforts so that the person found guilty should be punished in accordance with law. Therefore, for a criminal prosecution to become successful, it is extremely important that the Crown Prosecution Services should provide solid and reliable evidence to the court of law to punish the culprits. â€Å"In a number of countries where democratic set up exists and where rule of law succeed, the burden of proof lies on the shoulder of the prosecution† (Conner et al 2008). The safeguards within the legal framework designed to protect people under criminal investigation Under the UK Law, those who are convicted by the lesser courts may file an appeal to higher court for the answer they are looking for. â€Å"The hierarchy of the courts starts from the magistrates / youth courts to the Crown Court, from the Crown Court to the Court of Appeal. However, in some exceptional cases further appeal is allowed to the Supreme Court only† (Cate 2008). Appeals to Courts that are higher up in jurisdiction are restricted to the point of law. If the right of appeal is obsessive for a convicted defendant, then he or she has the option to pursue to the administrative body known as Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC). If there is malpractice found then this renders the conviction irrelevant and sums up to the miscarriage of justice. â€Å"There are two sorts of ‘wrongful convictions a) One where the defendant is convicted unfairly b) other where a lack of fair trial makes it difficult to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not† (Sanders and Young 2010). Conviction through unfair means is considered a miscarriage of justice that raises many suspicions. The CPS sometimes allows appeals against acquittal especially if there is an error found in the law. For example, a jury member can be rejected if they attempt to prosecute with certain kinds of evidence that the judge feels that the police lacked the required legal power to secure that evidence. In a few cases, when compelling evidences of guilt comes to surface, fresh cases against the earlier acquittals can be restarted. â€Å"An element of criminal justice, which is not taken into account, is criminal defense; as per the law of the land, anyone arrested and taken into custody by the police officials is entitled to receive free legal aid from an adviser, usually a qualified legal practitioner† (Sanders and Young 2010). Great Britain is known to set aside funds for free legal representation to its people in the ordinary courts and the Crown Court. The wealthy classes of people usually do not take the benefit of legal representation and normally pay their legal fees from their own resources. â€Å"The numbers of litigants have two options a) present themselves or b) engage a solicitor to plead the cases of the poor. This is done by the government which hires the services of solicitors for them at the government’s expenses† (Sanders and Young 2010). The operation of safeguards within the legal framework   Section 47 enquiries aim at to minimize the destruction on the personality of a child and to ensure that the families are treated in a respectable way by the agencies. The Children Social Care organizations should appraise the guardians responsible for the security of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Philippine Land Law Expert Chatbot Essay Example for Free

Philippine Land Law Expert Chatbot Essay The researchers tend to work on an expert system with integration of Philippine land laws. They chose to focus on land laws since one of the major problems of the Filipinos who seek law experts’ advice are due to land. The researchers deliberates the possible ways on how can they share knowledge and guidance that works like a real lawyer advising a client but have not taking an account to replace to seek a real land law experts guidance. Also, putting an expertise into a machine happens in many ways. So, the researchers find a way on constructing an expert system on Philippine land law using different techniques. In giving solution to the stated problem of the researchers, this study implements techniques such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) with sub-processes of Tokenizing, Part-of-Speech Tagging, and Parsing for input abstraction and validation, as well as Natural Language Generation (NLG) for the construction of answer/s. The developed system entitled, â€Å"PHILEX: Philipine Land Law Expert Chatbot† focused on providing answers to the user’s questions. Such users who are in need of information, assistance and knowledge and those who seek counselling in regards to any Philippine land law or land rights can benefit from the said expert system but must always know that the researchers do not intend to substitute the land law professionals. Upon various tests that the researchers conducted aiming to know the accuracy, specificity and sensitivity of the system, researchers came up with such conclusions. A technique, Precision and Recall, was used to test the system’s capability of answering the user’s questions relying from correct result (true positive or tp), missing result (false negative of fn), unexpected result (false positive of fp), and correct abscence of result (true negative or tn). This study also intends to identify the evaluation of the experts when it comes to sy stem’s user-friendliness, speed of response, and completeness. Five (5) land law experts chose twenty (20) test questions used to assess the system’s competency. Conclusion made by the experts based on the results is PHILEX, being the system for giving answers to user’s questions pertaining to Philipine land laws, is acceptable as a reliable source of knowledge and guidance without intending to replace the professional practitioners. The system got an overall percentage in terms of accuracy, a 75%, specificity with the percentage rate of 55% and sensitivity with 80.8%. Summing up the scores in terms of user-friendliness, speed of response, and completeness resulted to an overall weighted mean of 4.36, 4.32, and 4.16 respectively, interprets that the system as an acceptable tool for land law consulations. In the future, the authors would like to extend their work and knowledge by making the system possible to access by everyone through web or what we called â€Å"web-base application†.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Promoting effective communication Essay Example for Free

Promoting effective communication Essay Describe five factors you consider when promoting effective communication: (remember to describe is more than just identifying, this requires a sentence for each one) There are a number of factors to consider in making sure that I can promote effective communication. Statistics show that we only listen to 7% of what is verbally said, 38% the way they are said and 55% non-verbal i.e. our body language, eye contact, gestures. So it is not so much of what we say that is important but how it is said. Verbal communication: 1. Tone and Pitch I need to make sure that the way in what I say things i.e. the tone and pitch of my voice suits the conversation. I might need to raise my voice in a group of many children trying to get their attention when they playing games. Where as in a small group of children were we are doing some structured learning I would talk a bit quitter, or even reading a story I would use voices for the characters in a book, making stories more interesting and so hope to keep the children’s attention. 2. Jargon I would try and use appropriate language, for instance when I am talking to a child I need to keep things simpler so that they can understand the instructions or topic of discussion. I would also kneel down or sit at the child’s level, to make eye contact, and to be sure they understand me. But when I am talking to an adult, I should adjust and speak at the appropriate tone and pitch in not to simple terms as if they are a child otherwise it may come across patronising. Non-verbal communication: 3. Body Language, expressions and gestures My body language, facial expressions and hand gestures, needs to suit the situation or topic. For example I might give a handshake, smile and a wave to a child leaving the session. These are all friendly gestures, and I would hope to get an appropriate response like a wave and smile back. There would not necessarily been any verbal communication but we both understand that it is a friendly goodbye. However I am aware that some cultures certain gestures could be offensive. A r standing with folded arms can indicate you are closing yourself of not open to listen or want to take part in the conversations. This can portray a negative message and make others feel uncomfortable. 4. Eye Contact I also make a lot of eye contact as this engages with the person I am speaking to and keeps them and me focused on what is being said. If there is little eye contact or other distractions then you can notice that there is not 100% focus. 5. Listening I would always listen at the person talking to me as this shows that I am engaged in the conversations/discussion and can act upon anything that is asked of me. If I just nod in acknowledgement and not really listen I could miss important information. If for example a child ask to go to the toilet and I just nodded without really listening, they might wet themselves and feel embarrassed and in future not trust to ask or tell me something.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Poverty in the Caribbean

Poverty in the Caribbean Poverty in the Caribbean has been an irritating issue for as long as I can remember. It is an issue that has caused many governments in the Caribbean and world-wide, grief and even resulted in their loss at the polls or demise. In truth it is a very hard issue to overcome or rectify due to its magnitude of causes both internal and external to the particular country. To obtain an understanding of the psychology of poverty and its cause and effect in the Caribbean; one has to examine the following. Psychology, what is it? Simply put (according to the book UNDERSTANDING Psychology, 1992, pg.7, 9.) it is the study of human behaviour and mental processes. It covers every thing that people think, feel and do, and further seeks to describe, explain, predict and control behaviour. Poverty; according to the The Concise Oxford Dictionary means indigence, want, scarcity, inferiority and poorness. However, I prefer to agree with Professor Bournes opinion stated in his paper entitled Poverty and its Alleviation in the Caribbean 2005; in that poverty is not just defined as those individuals who live off less than one dollar per day ($1.00/day)(as described as the Millennium Development Goal for poverty reductions target 2000). But that it is a pronounced deprivation in wellbeing that is to be in poverty or to be poor is to be hungry, lack shelter, clothing, to be sick and lack health care to be illiterate and not schooled and further relating to the work to Amartya Sen, that states that, the state of being poor extends beyond income levels, but is also affected by unfreedoms which individuals are subjected to in terms of tyranny or bad treatment by the state and exclusion from participating in decisions and also being vulnerable to economic and natural hazards POVERTY IN THE CARIBBEAN When one looks at the islands of the Caribbean, in terms of their governmental and economic structure, levels of education, health care and income levels; they are all different. With this in mind the term poor might fit into different categories. Countries such as the Bahamas and the U S Virgin Island with their close affiliation to the U.S. and its almighty dollar might have a higher standard of living and poor in their country might mean middle class in another. To further emphasize their differences; I quote from Professor Bournes paper (according to the Surveys of Living Conditions conducted between 1996 and 2002), that countries such as Haiti and Suriname whose poverty line was 65% and 63% were on the high end of the poverty spectrum, while Belize, Dominica and St Kitts were between 30-40% and Anguilla, St Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and Turks and Caicos Island were between 20-29%, while Barbados had 14% and Jamaica had 20%; concluding that at that point in time Barbados had the lowest poverty level in the Caribbean. CAUSES OF POVERTY In discussing this issue, due to my being Jamaican by birth and living here all my life; (with few exceptions of travel) and my familiarity with the intricacies of the country and the discovery that there are varied levels of poverty or being poor that exist in this little island . I have chosen to use Jamaica as my example and direct most of my discussion using this island; for I believe that Jamaica is indeed the melting pot of the Caribbean. If one looks widely one will be able to find a native of every Caribbean island living here; just look at our Psychology class! In this class of 21 students, we have Nigerians, (Africa) Guyanese, (South America) and Jamaicans. Quite a mixture indeed! The causes of poverty in my opinion are varied and I would like to start with that of: Slavery, (defined as the condition of a slave, which further means to be a helpless victim to or of some dominating influence; according to The Oxford Concise Dictionary) is still very operative in our Jamaican society and that of the Caribbean today. Although we boast of having one of the greatest Reggae singers of all time; we have still not fully understood the meaning of Bob Marleys song which states EMANCIPATE YOUR SELF FROM MENTAL SLAVERY In my opinion we as a Caribbean people although we have been made free for a number of years and in Jamaica it has been from 1838; over one hundred and seventy one years ago. Although physically we have been freed, we still possess a type of mentality that causes us to want hand-outs, and the need to be taken care of still exist.(just like when the slaves were on the plantation and looked to their slave masters for their total existence). The word independence or the need to be independent has still not been cemented in our minds; in order to create a change in behaviour that causes us to obtain a sense of determination that says that I will obtain or achieve any thing I put my mind, heart and abilities to.( in respect to the elements of time and opportunities) Unemployment and low income levels. I must agree with professor Bourne in his paper mentioned above that the governments of the Caribbean including Jamaica; have not been able to create an adequate amount of jobs for its people; as he states that unemployment is between 7 and 20% which is relatively high . Incidentally in Jamaica this has given rise to the hustler mentality. One has but to go to Down-Town Kingston, especially on a market day, that is on a Saturday and sees the amount of individuals who hustle for a living day by day. Hustling ranges from the buying and selling of legitimate goods, to dealing in drugs such as ganja, to that of the gambling of the now famous cash-pot which believe it or not puts food on many a table daily. As for low income levels, for example, one has but to look at the difference in pay of Registered Nurses in Barbados whose basic pay is approximately $77,0000 per month compared to the same category of nurses in Jamaica who earn $48,000 per month. Th is difference one might agree would affect the individuals ability to save for a rainy day, or to make investments, to maintain an acceptable standard of living or to even further ones self academically. Also the inequality of pay scales within a given country can affect its peoples poverty levels. Take for instance in Jamaica at this time of world wide financial depression when Nurses and other workers are negotiating for a better pay scale and who are just able to scoop out a meager existence from their meager salaries only to be informed of individuals earning $1.9 million per month for negotiating services. Look at the gross difference! Volatility of our economy and susceptibility to Natural disasters. I must concur with professor Bourne, when he states that the Caribbean economy is volatile and this volatility is a contributory factor to poverty. He further sates that economic volatility arises from several sources, all of which are not necessarily operative at the same time. The sources include economic dislocation caused by major adverse changes in international markets for Caribbean exports of goods and services. One has only to look at the issue of the decline in the export our bananas where the European and U.S. markets have now started to import Chiquita bananas instead of bananas from the Caribbean. This has impacted negatively on our economies (especially Dominica) in terms of job losses and loss of investments by the governing bodies of these countries involved. Professor Bourne also states that we are also affected by the acute fiscal difficulties arising from changes in flows of foreign and international debt. In Jamaica one has only to remember the harsh demands that the International Monetary Fund made on us in the past such as gross job cuts and can only pray that the new intended demands may not be as harsh. (One can only Hope!) As for Natural Disasters, we are quite susceptible in that we are at the mercy of hurricanes and floods. I remember Gilbert as if it was yesterday; when the roof of my house was lost. If it were not for the quick actions of the government of the day in issuing free zinc of which I was a grateful recipient. I would have remained roof-less until December of that year when the Insurance representative got around to evaluating the damages and ended up issuing a third of the estimated cost of repairs because he thought that it wasnt that great a damage! To think, I had Insurance! What about those who could not afford insurance because their low income levels? To further examine these hazards effects, just look at what hurricane Ivan did to Grenada; Ivan prac tically flattened Grenada in a few hours and destroyed infrastructures that took years to develop. It literally changed Grenadas means of existence for long time. Lack of proper Health Care and Educational facilities. Poor people in the Caribbean may be working but might still remain poor. This causes them to be unable to access proper heath care which might result in a rise in chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension and even psychotic illnesses such as depression. In Jamaica there is now free health care, but just how effective it has been is another matter. Take for instance my aunt of 82 years, she has a cataract in her eye and needs for it to be repaired surgically. She went to the Kingston Public Hospital to in October 2009, of this year where she got an appointment to return in December, 2009; where another appointment will be given for her to return some time in 2010! I could not believe it when I was told. Can you imagine, by the time December comes, much less 2010 my aunt may be home with the Almighty God! (dead) As for the ability of poor to access education; it can be taxing, with the ever rising cost of school fees, book s and uniforms the low income earners and even those of middle income can just barely get by. In Jamaica there is the PATH programme which is of some help to the poor in that it assists with school fees, uniforms etc.; thus taking off some of the financial strain from the parents. EFFECTS OF PROVERTY Based on the definition given above that states that being poor or living poverty does not only rely on low income or the lack there of , but also on the lack of proper health care ,proper infrastructure( such as roads, water), educational facilities, tyranny etc. In my opinion, when one looks at the lack or unavailability of these facets in the rural communities of the islands of the Caribbean, one realizes that people who think that the urban communities are a better place will want to migrate to these areas. This can be seen in my country Jamaica where the Government offices, best hospitals and schools are located in the two main urban cities that is Kingston and Montego Bay. This migration often result in over-crowding, further leading to a rise in squatter settlements which leads to an increase of tin the spread of disease; thus putting a further strain on the health care system. This type of migration not only happens with in a country, but can also be seen when the Haitians de fy dead at sea to come to Jamaica seeking a better life; thus putting further strain of the Jamaican economy. Although its not the only reason for the rise in crime and drug abuse this is still a contributing factor, as can be seen in the rise in the crime rate in these two cities. There is also a brain drain from the rural areas to the urban areas of a particular country and even between countries of the Caribbean and to countries such as the U.S. and Europe in order to obtain a better income, thus enhancing or providing for a perceived improved way of life. This results in the loss of valuable resources that in my opinion is not easily replaced, and if it is replaced costs these countries practically an arm and a leg to do so. One can also examine the effects of the lack of availability of proper health care; and in this case especially to the elderly, who either have very low income gained from their meager pensions or none at all. This makes them vulnerable and easier to succumb to diseases. For the remainder of the population, ill health (mental and physical) often results in low production levels and decreases the internal drive or motivation to succeed, thus increasing the levels of poverty. The negative effects of international markets on the economies of the Caribbean can be devastating. As was mentioned above; as in Jamaica our dollar is linked strongly to that of the U.S. and if the U.S. dollar falls , our dollar falls; resulting in tremendous losses on the stock market among other investment entities, further resulting in loss of jobs and the demise of companies especially the small businesses. Also if these international countries taste change as was also mentioned above, in terms of the bananas they consume; then there goes the banana industries in a down-ward spiral in these countries also. The inability of our countries to protect ourselves from natural disasters results in a negative effect in that these disasters often destroy agriculture, (which is the main stay of most of these Caribbean islands) infrastructure,(roads, water mains, gullies, electricity) government buildings and private homes. They indeed destroy what it has taken years of hard work, sacrifice, and determination to build. This puts a strain on economies emotionally, physically, and financially to rebuild every time such an occurrence takes place. ALLEVIATION OF PROVERTY I believe that in the Caribbean, in the same way that each island is unique in nature, so do the individual people and governments of each island have to identify unique ways in solving this problem of poverty. As seen in the report on the Cost of Poverty in the Caribbean by The International Institute for Social Political and Economic Change(IISPEC) and co-sponsored by UNESCO. (March 17-19, 2008). Grenada whose poverty level was 32% in 1998 has implemented Safety Net Programme allocation of funds, and established Food Basket programmes, and St. Lucia has implemented a Poverty Reduction Fund. I also agree with their list of initiative programmes that have been mentioned, such as. Focus on education training Provide scholarships to encourage more research, Make CDB/CTCS more national in focus De-politicization of poverty reduction/eradication programmes, Needs national consensus However I will endeavor to add a few other suggestions to both Jamaica and other islands of the Caribbean, Focus on education training, Provide scholarships to encourage more research Make Caribbean Development Banks a national focus, De-politicization of poverty reduction/eradication programmes, i.e. to take political agendas out of programmes designed to assist the poor and the need for a national census in order to find out the peoples opinion on the matters brought forward to solve the problem of poverty. In Jamaica, at this time the governing bodies have implemented the Path Programme, which assists needy (poor) people in a financial way to be able to send their children to school to obtain an education, by way of cash payments. There is also the provision of free health care. In my opinion it is a good thought but I do not think that it can be properly maintained especially in this time of financial depression. If one will take the time to examine the following scenario, one might agree with me on point. Take a healthy young man who doesnt feel that he should work because hes comfortable hustling probably via cash-pot. He gets a girl pregnant and she gets totally free health care to have this child; the child goes home, grows , starts going to school and gets on the Path programme, where society sends this child to school free of cost. One could argue that this is a way of reducing the levels of both maternal and infant deaths by providing free health care; or that by assisting the child to go to school might reduce the probability that this child being uneducated might be a part of our crime problem in the future. Baring all this in mind I might agree; but I still contend that this might help to promote a freeness mentality that is so prevalent in our society; which we need to stomp out of our society, in order for us to improve our way of thinking and thus lift ourselves from poverty. To think even in the large industrial countries health care is not totally free, some one must pay for it! I prefer that my hard earn tax dollars be used to pay for free health care to be available to the elderly, the very young (12 years and under), the destitute, and the mentally and physically challenged; the most vulnerable in our society. I think safety nets can be put in place where a disaster fund is implemented to provide for hurricane and flood victims. Also in terms of providing employment I think the provisions of entities such as the HEART ACADEMY and free primary education are a GOD sent to poor people. However I think that the provision of more scholarships should be made to assist with further tertiary education. In terms of enhancing employment I think that the apprenticeship programme should be reimplementation where one can learn while they work and earn. We could also try to re-educate our people in terms of self reliance, to think that the soil is good in order to attract an increased interest in agriculture and along with this to allocate lands to these individuals in order for them to grow and produce more thus providing more jobs. SUMMARY I conclude that the Caribbean (including Jamaica) has a difficult task in ridding our region of poverty, but not insurmountable! I think that this matter has to be solved with each member state coming together as one. Take for instances at this time, if one looks at our super market shelves, one can see snacks originating from Trinidad and Tobago. But when Jamaica tried to export our patties to them it was barred. Although the states of the Caribbean have decided to be apart of the Caribbean Common Market, some states have not held up to their end the agreement. This results in discontent among member states and ultimately the loss of jobs and the increase in poverty due to their inability to allow free trade in the area. The states in the Caribbean need to realize that individually, compared to the international arena are small and relatively insignificant. But joining together and being one in mind set, we could be a force to be reckoned with. As a people we need to assist each other in terms of the transference of education, science and technology in order to boost each others economies. Thus providing an improved way of thinking and reasoning which will result in a motivated, determined move by the people of this region to rid ourselves of poverty. If not, then to a level that permits an acceptable standard of living. As the clichà © states together we stand, divided we fall we as people of the Caribbean need to learn and understand this. To allow this statement to change their mind set from one of individuality and selfishness to one of togetherness and fruitfulness which will ultimately raise the standard of life for our people and in time reduce the levels of poverty in order to maintain an acceptable standard of living; free from hungry tyranny and illness. What do you think? This is just a wish or fantasy! I should hope not. As I choose to think that it can be a reality IF WE WORK HARD AND KEEP FOCUSED!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay -- Essays on Anxiety Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disease that many people know of, but few people know about. Many people associate repeated washing of hands, or flicking of switches, and even cleanliness with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), however there are many more symptoms, and there are also explanations for those symptoms. In this paper, I will describe what obsessive compulsive disorder is, explain some of the effects of it, and explain why it happens. I will also attempt to prove that while medication doesn’t cure OCD, it vastly improves one’s quality of life. Furthermore I intend to show that behavior therapy (cognitive based therapy) is another useful tool in helping a person to overcome their OCD.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder foundation (, â€Å"OCD is a medical brain disorder that causes problems in information processing.† They compare OCD to a brain hiccup; the brain gets stuck on a certain thought and cannot move forward. The brain is incapable of dealing with thoughts of worry or doubt. This causes many side effects that can clearly distinguish a person as OCD. The text book for Dr. Steinberg’s Brain and Behavior class (that I took last year)spells it out a little clearer. â€Å"Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) consists of two behaviors that occur in the same person, obsessions and compulsions.† (Garrett, 387)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a form of an anxiety disorder. The WHO classifies OCD as one of the top ten most â€Å"disabling illnesses.† (The Practitioner, 1) The most well known side effects of OCD is the repeated washing of one’s hands. However, there is more to this compulsive hand washing then meets the eye. While it could technically be classified as a need to feel cleansed, it is actually more of a fear of germs or other impurities. The cleansing will proceed until the person is satisfied, which in some cases is never. This is the reason a person with OCD will wash their hands repeatedly. People with OCD also are known to have a fear of unlucky numbers or words, illness or injury (which relates back to the hand washing), uncertainty, thinking bad or harmful thoughts against someone, object symmetry, and many other issues, which to a non OCD person, seem almost miniscule.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How is it possible for people to get OCD? I... ...BBC Interactive (BBCi) Science and Nature:Human Body and Mind, retrieved April 5th, 2004 from (7)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nangle, Douglas W., O’Grady, April C., Sallinen, Bethany J., Successful Medication Withdrawal Using Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for a Preadolescent with OCD. Journal of Academic Child Adolescence Psychiatry, 43:11, 1441-1444. November 2004. (8)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Multiple Authors, Fluoxetine in Children and Adolescents with OCD: A Placebo Controlled Trial. Journal of Academic Child Adolescence Psychiatry, 41:12, 1431-1438. December 2002. (9)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lippincott/Williams & Wilkins, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry., Retrieved April 2005. (10)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Barrett, Paula, Healy-Farrell, Lara, March, John. Cognitive-Behavioral Family treatment of Childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A controlled Trial. Journal of Academic Child Adolescence Psychiatry, 43:1, 46-62. January 2004 (11)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Practitioner, 181-183, March 2002.

Intertextual Exchange in Carmilla, Dracula and the Historian Essay exam

â€Å"Writers seldom duplicate their influential precursor(s); rather, they often work within a certain framework established by other writers or generic conventions, but vary aspects of it in significant ways.† (Clayton, 155). Sheridan Le Fanu’s, Carmilla, Bram Stoker’s, Dracula and Elizabeth Kostova’s, The Historian, clearly engage in this intertextual exchange, as evidenced by their use of narrative structure, striking character parallels and authors choice of language. Published in 1872, Le Fanu relates the story of Carmilla from a first person point of view, through four distinct perspectives. The first narrator, an unnamed assistant to Doctor Hesselius, prefaces the story as correspondence of scholarly interest between the Doctor and an â€Å"intelligent lady.† Introducing the story in this manner lays the initial framework for believability. The doctor’s academic interest signifies scientific validity; whereby, the woman’s intelligence implies rationality. Subsequently, Le Fanu presents the second narrator, the aforementioned young woman, Laura, who provides the bulk of the account to follow. Born in Styria, Laura is described as being of English descent, but having â€Å"never saw England† (87). Residing with her father and two governesses, she is socially isolated and motherless, with negligible paternal involvement. Laura epitomizes vampire literature’s prototypical victim. Moreover, foreshadowing her successors, Laura begins her strange tale with the words, â€Å"I am now going to tell you something so strange that it will require all your faith in my veracity to believe my story. It is not only true, nevertheless, but truth of which I have been an eye-witness† (91). Laura’s appeal to believability, based upon personal testimony, augmen... her unconventional treatment. Second, Van Helsing is reminiscent of the occult expert, Doctor Hesselius. Both men engage in study of the supernatural as a hobby outside their medical profession. Finally, Van Helsing is a resonance of Baron Vordenburg. Like the Baron, Van Helsing places great value in his books and papers for knowledge of the supernatural; moreover, he is responsible for confirming Lucy’s undead state and educating the other men in how to stake her; and, it is Baron’s governing principles of the vampire which foreshadow Van Helsing’s characteristics of the enemy, Dracula (344). Works Cited Clayton, Jay, and Eric Rothstein, eds. Influence and Intertextuality in Literary History. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1991. Print. Williams, Ann, ed. Three Vampire Tales: Complete Texts with Introduction. Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2003. Print.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Dead Poets Society :: essays research papers

"It was Mr Keating's blatant abuse of position as teacher that led directly to Neil's death."We are asked to discuss the above statement after watching the movie: "Dead Poets Society". This statement I feel is ridiculous and when I have finished this essay you will agree.The school was a dull, meaningless place where tradition and reputation was put before creativity and education. That was until Mr Keating, came to the school as an English teacher. He focused around Poetry. He taught the boys to express themselves and do what they in their hearts wanted to do, not what their parents wanted them to do.The boys found a photo of Mr Keating in an old yearbook with the caption under reading- "Alan Keating, Leader of the Dead Poets Society." The boys approached Mr Keating about what the DPS was. He told them they would sneak out at night and sit the old Indian cave and read brilliant poetry. Neil, one of the more energetic boys, suggested that their group co ntinue this tradition, and they, in turn agreed.Mr Keating taught the boys to enjoy the poetry and let them speak out about what they wanted to be. He taught them to be individuals. But eventually allegations that he was responsible for Neil's death came flying back at him.Neil wanted to be an actor. He was very good at it and performed in the local production of: "A Midsummer Night's Dream". His father, however wanted him to be a doctor. After Neil's superb performance his father rushed him home and told him that he was sending him to Military school for another ten years to stamp out any further ideas of his acting.Neil shot himself that night.Students, parents and teacher immediately looked for someone to blame and the headmaster, Mr Norton picked out Mr Keating as the unlucky scapegoat.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

How Mary Rowlandsons Puritan Beliif Influenced Her Narrative of Her Captivity Essay

Some people are just better suited for things and situations then others. If you want a really hard math equation done maybe you should look in the depths of the library. If you need help moving into a new house and are moving heavy stuff go to the nearest weight room. Everyone, for the most part, is usually good for something. In this narrative, religion is everywhere.With verse after verse being quoted from the Bible. Some people have many Gods while most have one reining all-powerful being. In the case of Mary Rowlandson, I believe her being a puritan and having the strong puritan beliefs made her more suitable for dealing with the trails she was about to face then say a everyday church goer. Being the wife of a preacher it shows in the text Mary was solidly grounded in her faith making and well knowledgeable See more: how to start a narrative essay introduction The Puritan Belief is one that was quite popular in the colonies at that time. Major Puritan beliefs are taken seriously. A Puritan had to be a hard worker, be honest about everything and to be able to be self sufficient even though they believed that life on this earth was of little importance, that they shouldn’t worry too much because life is temporary. That all people’s faith is already predetermined from the second they were born. From Mary’s point of view she was very obedient to her husband. The Father was the backbone of Puritan households; he had control over everything and led the family financially and spiritually. In the start of Mary’s captivity she is living in Lancaster with her family when the natives attack them. Almost everyone on the village is brutally killed or wounded or taken into captivity and bargained for goods from the colonist for their lives. Mary’s family members were either killed or wounded. She witnessed the brutality of the Indians as she describes in one man in her village wounded in the ground begging for his life and the natives ripped him naked and removed all his bowels (Salisbury, p.68). Now separated from all but her very wounded daughter the natives begin to take them northwest. Eventually her daughter, Sarah, passes away from her injuries. This trail in Mary’s life for many people would spell doom. I don’t think if Mary were a devout Puritan she would have not survived the hardship of losing her daughter plus the abuse of being a captive to the natives. Even with her strong faith Mary writes about her waning faith, the bitterness in her heart and intense sadness she is feeling During this time Mary describes the natives of being like demons. Workers for the evil doings of Satan (Salisbury, p.71). That the natives are more then just enemies of war but enemies of the Christian faith and the spread of the goodness of God. Saying many times over she yearns for the company of fellow Christians. While writing this narrative Mary constantly revaluates her faith. Even saying at one point after the death of her daughter then she has not been showing the lord enough attention on the Sabbath. Saying at one time â€Å"The next day was the Sabbath: then I remembered how many Sabbaths I had lost and misspent, and how evilly I had walked in Gods sight†(Salisbury, p.74). Mary realizes that she must keep her faith if she is going to survive this ordeal. She always quotes scripture to understand or squander any obstacle she faces. Even in the smallest things she quotes scripture, while walking she simply slips a quotes a Psalm, â€Å"When my foot slipped, thy mercy, O Lord, help me up†(Salisbury, p.96). Reinforcing her puritan beliefs that God had a plan for her. That everything that was happening to her was in an already predetermined plan. God though seems from my point of view was watching over Mary. When her wounds are worsening she happens to run into a British man that had similar injuries and showed her how to heal them. During one of the Indians raids on the Medfield colony, one of the natives recovered a Bible that they allowed Mary to read(Salisbury, p.76). When she needed food somehow she found a way to get food or some was provided for her. King Philip is a tribal leader that even though the war bears his name is not so violent him-self and makes Mary’s survival chances brighter. Mary gets word from a man that her husband is alive and she gets to see her children which gives her hope that she will live with them again. All these things some small some larger made God seem present with her. Mary knows the Puritan belief requires them to be self-sufficient. She foraged for nuts and grain and started sewing to trade for either meals or goods like tobacco, which she could sell. Mary is always honest with the natives. Never ling to them about her plans or what she thought. Mary Rowlandson’s narrative on this story did show me how during rough times during the early colonies these religious puritans held strong. Though some beliefs of the new bay puritans may be drastic if seems it was the perfect religion for that time. Throughout the story Mary is tempted with signs of rescue but never truly curses God or defiles him. Personally Mary’s story is very similar to Jobs, who she quotes one or twice, in which God allows Satan to bring many hardships on him to challenge his faith because Satan believe since God blesses Job with many things when all is taken from him he will abandon God and curse him. Job never does though saying to his wife, â€Å"Shall we only except the good things from God and not the Bad?† Mary’s perseverance eventually leads to her release and she is reunited with most of her family. Her Puritan belief kept her mentally and spiritually prepared for what she had to go through and inspired her to write such a powerful story of faith and hope.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Coeducation: 2nd Millennium and Universal Elementary Education Essay

In early civilizations, people were educated informally: primarily within the household. As time progressed, education became more structured and formal. Women often had very few rights when education started to become a more important aspect of civilization. Efforts of the ancient Greek and Chinese societies focused primarily on the education of males. In ancient Rome, the availability of education was gradually extended to women, but they were taught separately from men. The early Christians and medieval Europeans continued this trend, and single-sex schools for the privileged classes prevailed through the Reformation period. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, coeducation grew much more widely accepted. In Great Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union, the education of girls and boys in the same classes became an approved practice. In the 16th century, at the Council of Trent, the Roman Catholic church reinforced the establishment of free elementary schools for children of all classes. The concept of universal elementary education, regardless of sex, had been created. [2] After the Reformation, coeducation was introduced in western Europe, when certain Protestant groups urged that boys and girls should be taught to read the Bible. The practice became very popular in northern England, Scotland, and colonial New England, where young children, both male and female, attended dame schools. In the late 18th century, girls gradually were admitted to town schools. The Society of Friends in England, as well as in the United States, pioneered coeducation as they did universal education, and in Quaker settlements in the British colonies, boys and girls commonly attended school together. The new free public elementary, or common schools, which after the American Revolution supplanted church institutions, were almost always coeducational, and by 1900 most public high schools were coeducational as well. [3] The early success and achievement of women at Oberlin College persuaded many early women’s rights leaders that coeducation would soon be accepted throughout the country. However, for quite a while, women sometimes suffered uncivil behavior from their male classmates. The prejudice of some male professors proved more unsettling. Many professors had disapproved of the admission of women into their classes, citing studies that stated that women were physically incapable of higher education, and some professors found it difficult to acknowledge women’s presence once they were admitted. Even today, there have been books, studies, and other arguments claiming that women and men learn very differently from each other because of their brain differences. One of these books is called â€Å"Boys and Girls Learn Differently! † by Michael Gurian. [4] By the end of the 19th century, 70% of American colleges were coeducational. In the late 20th century, many institutions of higher learning that had been exclusively for people of one sex became coeducational.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Five Force Industry Analysis Essay

The Company distributes its products principally through third-party computer resellers. The Company is also continuing its expansion into new distribution channels, such as mass merchandise stores, consumer electronics outlets and computer superstores, in response to changing industry practices and customer preferences. The Company’s products are sold primarily to business and government customers through independent resellers, value-added resellers and systems integrators; to home customers through independent resellers and consumer channels; and to education customers through direct sales and independent resellers. In order to provide products and service to its independent resellers on a timely basis, the Company distributes its products through a number of Apple distribution and support centers. Business customers account for the largest portion of the Company’s revenues. Business customers are attracted to the Macintosh in particular for a variety of reasons, incl uding the availability of a wide variety of application software, the reduced amount of training resulting from the Macintosh’s intuitive ease of use, and the ability of the Macintosh to network and communicate with other computer systems and environments. Apple personal computers were first introduced to education customers in the late 1970’s. In the United States, the Company is one of the major suppliers of personal computers for both elementary and secondary school customers, as well as for college and university customers. The Company is also a substantial supplier to institutions of higher education outside of the United States. In the United States, the Company’s formal commitment to serve the federal government began in 1986 with the formation of the Apple Federal Systems Group. Although the Company has contracts with a number of U.S. government agencies, these contracts are not currently material to the Company’s overall financial condition or results of operations. Presently, the United States represents the Company’s largest geographic marketplace. The Apple USA organization, based in Campbell, California, focuses on the Company’s sales, marketing, and support efforts in the United States. Products sold in the United States are primarily manufactured in the Company’s facilities in California, Colorado, and Singapore, and distributed from facilities in California and Illinois. Approximately 45% to 46% of the Company’s revenues in recent years has come from its international  operations. The Company has two international sales and marketing divisions, consisting of the division and the Apple Pacific division. The Apple Europe division, based in Paris, France, focuses on opportunities in Europe as well as in parts of Africa and in the Middle East. Products sold by the Europe division are manufactured primarily in the Company’s facility in Cork, Ireland. The Apple Pacific division, based in Cupertino, California, focuses on opportunities in Japan, Australia, Canada, the Far East, and Latin America. Products sold by the Pacific division are manufactured primarily in the Company’s manufacturing and assembly facilities in California, Colorado and Singapore. A summary of the Company’s Industry Segment and Geographic Information may be found in Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10-K under the heading â€Å"Industry Segment and Geographic Information†, which information is hereby incorporated by reference. Raw materials Although raw materials, processes, and components essential to the Company’s business are generally available from multiple sources, certain key components are currently obtained from single sources. For example, certain microprocessors used in many of the Company’s products are currently available only from Motorola, Inc. Any availability limitations, interruption in supplies, or price increases relative to these and other components could adversely affect the Company’s business and financial results. Key components and processes currently obtained from single sources include certain of the Company’s displays, microprocessors, mouse devices, keyboards, disk drives, CD-ROM drives, printers and printer components, ASICs and other custom chips, and certain processes relating to construction of the plastic housing for the Company’s computers. In addition, new products introduced by the Company often initially utilize custom components obtained from onl y one source, until the Company has evaluated whether there is a need for an additional supplier. In situations where a component or product utilizes new technologies and processes, there may be initial capacity constraints until such time as the suppliers’ yields have matured. Materials and components are normally acquired through purchase orders, as  is common in the industry, typically covering the Company’s requirements for periods from 90 to 180 days. However, the Company continues to evaluate the need for a supply contract in each situation. If the supply of a key single-sourced material, process, or component to the Company were to be delayed or curtailed, its ability to ship the related product utilizing such material, process, or component in desired quantities and in a timely manner could be adversely affected. The Company’s business and financial performance could also be adversely affected, depending on the time required to obtain sufficient quantities from the original source, or to identify and obtain sufficient quantities from an alternate source. The Company believes that the suppliers whose loss to the Company could have a material adverse effect upon the Company’s business and financial position include, at this time , Canon, Inc., General Electric Co., Hitachi, Ltd., IBM, Motorola, Inc., Sharp Corporation, Sony Corporation, Texas Instruments, Inc., Tokyo Electric Co., Ltd., and/or their United States affiliates, and VLSI Technology, Inc. However, the Company helps mitigate these potential risks by working closely with these and other key suppliers on product introduction plans, strategic inventories, and coordinated product introductions. The Company believes that most of its single-source suppliers, including most of the foregoing companies, are reliable multinational corporations. Most of these suppliers manufacture the relevant materials, processes, or components in multiple plants. The Company further believes that its long-standing business relationships with these and other key suppliers are strong and mutually beneficial in nature. The Company has a supply agreement with Motorola, Inc. (see Exhibit 10.B.12 hereto). The agreement with Motorola continues for five years from January 31, 1992 unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing by the parties. The Company single-sources microprocessors from Motorola. The supply agreement does not obligate the Company to make minimum purchase commitments; however, the agreement does commit the vendor to supply the Company’s requirements of the particular items for the duration of the agreement. The Company has also from time to time experienced significant price incre ases and limited availability of certain components that are available from multiple sources, such as dynamic random-access memory devices. Any similar occurrences in the future could have an adverse effect on the Company’s operating results. Item 2. Properties The Company’s headquarters are located in Cupertino, California. The Company has manufacturing facilities in Fountain, Colorado, Sacramento, California, Cork, Ireland, and Singapore. As of September 30, 1994, the Company leased approximately 5.2 million square feet of space, primarily in the United States, and to a lesser extent, in Europe and the Pacific. Leases are generally for terms of five to ten years, and usually provide renewal options for terms of up to five additional years. Certain of these leased facilities are subject to the Company’s restructuring actions initiated in the third quarter of both 1993 and 1991. The amount of space leased by the Company may decline in the future as the leases for facilities subject to restructuring actions are terminated pursuant to agreements with landlords or expire as scheduled. The Company owns its manufacturing facilities in Fountain, Colorado, Cork, Ireland, and Singapore, which total approximately 920,000 square feet. T he Company also owns a 450,000 square-foot facility in Sacramento, California, which is used as a manufacturing, service and support center. The Company also owns the research and development facility located in Cupertino, California, and a centralized domestic data center in Napa, California which approximate 856,000 and 158,000 square feet, respectively. Outside of the United States, the Company owns a facility in Apeldoorn, Netherlands, which is used primarily for distribution, totaling approximately 265,000 square feet, in addition to certain other international facilities, totaling approximately 553,000 square feet. The Company believes that its existing facilities and equipment are well maintained and in good operating condition. The Company has invested in additional internal capacity and external partnerships, and therefore believes it has adequate manufacturing capacity for the foreseeable future. The Company continues to make investments in capital equipment as needed to meet anticipated demand for its products. Information regarding critical business operations that are located near major earthquake faults is set forth in Part II, Item 7 of this Form 10-K under the heading â€Å"Factors That May Affect Future Results†, which information is hereby incorporated by reference. Information regarding the Company’s purchase of its remaining partnership interest in Cupertino Gateway Partners, formed for the purpose of constructing the campus-type office facility that is now wholly owned by  the Company, may be found in Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10-K under the heading â€Å"Commitments and Contingencies†, which information is hereby incorporated by reference. â€Å"Other countries† consists of Canada and Australia. Prior year amounts have been restated to conform to the current year presentation. Net sales to unaffiliated customers is based on the location of the customers. Transfers between geographic areas are recorded at amounts generally above cost and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the respective governing tax authorities. Operating income (loss) by geographic area consists of total net sales less operating expenses, and does not include an allocation of general corporate expenses. The restructuring charge and adjustment recorded in 1993 and 1994, respectively, are included in the calculation of operating income (loss) for each geographic area. Identifiable assets of geographic areas are those assets used in the Company’s operations in each area. Corporate assets include cash and cash equivalents, joint venture investments, and short-term investments. 1995 Approximately 45% to 48% of the Company’s revenues in recent years has come from its international operations. The Company has two international sales and marketing divisions, consisting of the Apple Europe division and the Apple Pacific division. The Apple Europe division focuses on opportunities in Europe as well as in parts of Africa and in the Middle East. Products sold by the Europe division are manufactured primarily in the Company’s facility in Cork, Ireland. The Apple Pacific division focuses on opportunities in Japan and Asia; Australia and New Zealand; and the Caribbean region. Products sold by the Pacific division are manufactured primarily in the Company’s facilities in California, Colorado and Singapore. The Company distributes its products through third-party computer resellers, and is also continuing its expansion into various consumer channels, such as mass merchandise stores, consumer electronics outlets and computer superstores, in response to changing industry practices and customer preferences. The Company’s products are sold primarily to business and government customers through independent resellers, value- added resellers and systems integrators; to home customers through independent resellers and consumer channels; and to education customers through direct sales and independent resellers. In order to provide products and service to its independent resellers on a timely basis, the Company distributes its products through a number of Apple distribution and support centers. Raw materials Although certain raw materials, processes, and components essential to the Company’s business are generally available from multiple sources, key components and processes currently obtained from single sources include certain of the Company’s displays, microprocessors, mouse devices, keyboards, disk drives, printers and printer components, application- specific integrated circuits (â€Å"ASICs†) and other custom chips, and certain processes relating to construction of the plastic housing for the Company’s computers. Any availability limitations, interruption in supplies, or price increases relative to these and other components could adversely affect the Company’s business and financial results. In addition, new products introduced by the Company often initially utilize custom components obtained from only one source, until the Company has evaluated whether there is a need for an additional supplier. In situations where a component or product utilizes new technologies and processes, there may be initial capacity constraints until such time as the suppliers’ yields have matured. Materials and components are normally acquired through purchase orders, as is common in the industry, typically covering the Company’s requirements for periods from 90 to 180 days. However, the Company continues to evaluate the need for a supply contract in each situation. If the supply of a key single-sourced material, process, or component to the Company were to be delayed or curtailed, its ability to ship the related product utilizing such material, process, or component in desired quantities and in a timely manner could be  adversely affected. The Company’s business and financial performance could also be adversely affected, depending on the time required to obtain sufficient quantities from the original source, or to identify and obtain sufficient quantities from an alternate so urce. The Company believes that the suppliers whose loss to the Company could have a material adverse effect upon the   Company’s business and financial position include, at this time, Canon, Inc., General Electric Co., Hitachi, Ltd., IBM, Motorola, Inc., Sharp Corporation, Sony Corporation, Texas Instruments, Inc., and/or their United States affiliates, and VLSI Technology, Inc. However, the Company helps mitigate these potential risks by working closely with these and other key suppliers on product introduction plans, strategic inventories, and coordinated product introductions. The Company believes that most of its single-source suppliers, including most of the foregoing companies, are reliable multinational corporations. Most of these suppliers manufacture the relevant materials, processes, or components in multiple plants. The Company further believes that its long-standing business relationships with these and other key suppliers are strong and mutually beneficial in nature. The Company has also from time to time experienced significant price increases and limited availability of certain components that are available from multiple sources. Any similar occurrences in the future could have an adverse affect on the Company’s operating results. The Company has a supply agreement with Motorola, Inc. (see Exhibit 10.B.12 hereto). The agreement with Motorola continues for five years from January 31, 1992 unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing by the parties. The Company single-sources certain microprocessors from Motorola. The supply agreement does not obligate the Company to make minimum purchase commitments; however, the agreement does commit the vendor to supply the Company’s requirements of the particular items for the duration of the agreement.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Microsoft frontpage

HTML is a technology which is used for creating web pages and linking all the pages to make a complete website. It provides facilities to embed tags to format and design text, images and other multimedia elements into a webpage. . All these combined web pages are hosted to the internet and is registered under a domain that facilitates it to have an Internet Protocol address to access it over the internet domain (, 2007).Internet web server functions for hosting the web pages over the internet (Hughes, 2000). It has got a detailed process in its functionality and serving requests, which is as follows:  It is a computer software which resides on a central place for providing its services.The web pages written in HTML are stored into the web server. The web pages take into account the entire composition of the services website.Once the request is made from an internet browser for a particular web page, the request is interpreted and translated.The requested is served and the we b page is displayed on the client’s browser window.The web pages can be either static or dynamic in nature.Microsoft FrontPage is application software which is used to construct websites (HTML pages) and allows using several facilities for adding dynamic content over the internet (, 2007). It possesses the following features:The primary feature is the drag and drop facility of the page elements that are to be presented in the html page.FrontPage offers rich set of powerful features that are required to build a website.It offers facility to copy files and create hyperlinks with ease.  Offers an advanced set of toolbars which can be exploited to its fullest extent for creating the websiteHelps in creating pop-ups quite easily.It allows database creations and associated linksIt works for positioning text in cells and 3D lighting techniquesCreates automatic cascading style sheets and quite easy for making amendmentsPossess the ability to create inline frames fo r embedding more than one web pagesIt comprises handwriting recognition to enter text into pagesCreates photo gallery linking the images and putting into the websiteThe Microsoft Script editor enhances the use of information in forms and provides client and server side scripting facilitiesOne is given the facility to create online surveys and gather support and results for usersFrontPage offers specific facilities to edit and store web pages on a web server. The components which are used are as follows:It possesses a publishing dialogue to store and edit web pages over the internet. It also facilitates using single page publishing to add content in web pages. The publishing activities can be tracked into a log file classifying it into confirmations and warnings. The enhanced publishing feature to drag and drop files is quite rich as it can be edited, dragged, dropped and deleted from and to any location (, 2007).The server editions make sure that a page can be publi shed and managed by using a web server and create reports and filter them according to choice.The above facilities make sure that FrontPage is used effectively in publishing content over the internet and provides efficient mechanism to edit and delete content.